Monday, March 10, 2014

Chapters 1-4

The Silence of 1803
By Roy Klipping
Chapter 1
It was a night like many others.  I lay awake watching memories that have passed my life of eighty seven years, but tonight felt different, it felt as if I were closer to my thoughts than ever before. My breath was weak and I couldn't help but think my life's journey here is done. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as my thoughts blackened.
Chapter 2
My night seemed to fade into a quiet that scared me, it was if I couldn't breathe or move, yet my thoughts carried me.  I could hear a faint noise that sounded like something brushing against a window pane. As the sound got louder I could feel myself moving in the direction of the noise. It was as if I were spinning with no control of my body and then the noise stopped.  I found myself standing in the parlor. As I looked around the room I noticed a small candle burning a soft glow of amber, color drifted throughout the room and as my eyes followed the light I saw a silhouette standing by the stove. Without saying a word my voice seemed to carry from me without thought. I stepped forward. I could feel the coolness of the hardwood floor beneath my feet and for some reason I looked down; my eyes becoming fixed on what I saw.

Chapter 3
 The room went dark and silence followed. After several minutes I started to see light. The room slowly came back in to view but I wasn't standing in my parlor. Here I lay as I did earlier in my bed. Lately. I have been having dreams like this. I find myself following my dreams as if they were real to me and most every dream is that of Caroline. Caroline was my wife of 40 years until she became ill and passed from my life. It has been nearly 10 years and not a day passes without my heart touching hers. For years now I have been writing letters to her when I need to hear her voice.  I seem to be able to feel her presence as I write. I laid there in bed for just a little while and decided this would be a nice time to talk with her, so I slipped on my robe and walked into the living room. I placed a log on the fire and listened to the crackling of its warmth then lit a candle and pulled a piece of paper from the desk. My hand was trembling as if it was the first time we met;
Dear Caroline,  I wanted to thank you for coming to see me again tonight. Only a glimpse of your silhouette was all I needed to remind me of your beauty and softness, of your love.  I often wonder when I will be able to....tanding in the Parlor as I looked around the room I noticed a small candle burning a soft glow of amber color drifted throughout the room and as my eyes followed the light I saw a silhouette standing by the stove, without saying a word my voice seemed to carry from me without thought, I stepped forward I could feel the coolness of the hardwood beneath my feet and for some reason I looked down my eyes became fixed on what I saw.
 Chapter 4
….. join you behind the gates of heaven. I can't help but wonder why I have had to wait for all these years because without you beside me I haven't really lived, only existed. Every letter I wrote to you has been my happiness here.  I know it seems foolish but for me it captures us again. Like the time we first kissed, remember? Thinking back it was long ago but Caroline,  that kiss was mine forever.  I can remember how nervous I was that day. I wasn't sure if it would be ok but I knew seconds before our lips touched, that at that moment our future was made and our love sealed for life. I hope you know that………

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