Monday, March 24, 2014

Chapter 10 & 11

Chapter 10

 As my hands formed around the box his voice embedded deep into my mind. He told me that it was from Caroline. There was such a silence from within me at that moment I couldn't even speak, my chest tighten and my throat started to throb as though someone was squeezing it. After what seemed like hours I remember my words leaving my mouth but had no idea if or even what I said. I looked up at Charley and could see in his eyes a certain fear. It was as if he knew what he told me was wrong, but at the same time was impelled to tell me. I stepped back, my eyes now glued on the package.  I could hear my shoes sliding against the sawdust beneath my feet, as though sandpaper was scratching against a wooden plank, again I looked up at Charley, emotion in my voice was heard this time as I asked him, “Who gave you this?”, and again, with slight hesitation he said, “It was Caroline”. Immediately I asked, “When did she give this to you and why haven't you given it to me until now?” His head shook slightly.  He told me had hadn’t receied it until yesterday. My eyes shut slowly and a darkness beyond any I've seen held my body, then I..


Chapter 11

 …….slowly opened my eyes, and tried to gather in my mind what Charley was saying. When I felt something pulling at my arm, I turned and heard Edwards voice "Samuel are you ok?" That's when I realized I was laying on the floor. There were several people around me. I nodded and said, “I think so.” Then I asked Edward to help me up. Still clutching the package and still bewildered as to what had happened I asked Charley again, “Who brought you this package?”  He cleared his throat and with a soft voice said; “It was Caroline.” I could hear folks whispering in shock as to what he said. We live in a small community and most everyone knows Caroline had passed.  I shook my head and said, “Yes, but when?”  I was thinking he had kept it for all these years or maybe had misplaced it or something in that regard. He stared at me for a second and then replied, “No,  it was yesterday.” “What do you mean?” I asked. He explained that around four o’clock a woman that looked like Caroline brought the package into the store. She stood over by the mail room where we send mail out and receive. As he walked toward her, he could see that she was writing something in the Ledger but before Charley could get around the counter she walked out. At first he thought it was Mrs. Anderson dropping off a package, which she often does for her husband's law office, but she usually does say something.  He then walked over to the package and was going to get it ready for the morning stage, but when he read the Ledger it said, “For Samuel Kloche, from Carolin Kloche.  Please see that Samuel receives this in Care." Charley immediately went to the door to see if he could talk with whoever it was but she was not in sight…..

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