Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chapter 14-17

Chapter 14
It always seems to be the longest stretch home but soon I could see the old barn and then the chicken coupe I hadn't really noticed until now just how run down the old homestead was getting I actually chuckled to myself thinking maybe I will have to do some fixing but secretly knowing in my mind I wouldn't, Edward reached down and pulled the reigns and the bouncing Wagon came to rest in front of my home, as we climbed down and gathered up my supplies Edward asked me if it would be OK if he heads out soon because it was getting late and he wanted to be home before it got to dark, of course I said but I was going to make supper and if you want your welcome to bunk here for the night, Edward was a Bachelor and never turned down a meal and even before he said he would stay I knew his answer, we both kind of chuckled and then made are way inside, I laid the package on my writing desk then walked into the kitchen area, I turned to Edward and thanked him again for his kindness and said beef stew and corn bread sound good, his old eyes brighten like a boy up to mischief and I swear I could see his mouth watering as he eagerly nodded yes,

Chapter 15

I asked Edward if he would go out to the ice house and grab some beef and a few potatoes and greens and a few carrots too while I lite the stove, while he was gone I took the wedge and split some logs into smaller pieces to fit into the barrel of the cook stove it didn't take long and Edward was back he told me that I was getting pretty low on meat and suggested we have to take one of his and could split it sense he was probably getting just as low, I agreed and then took the slab from him and laid it on the table it wasn't frozen solid which was good because it made my job of cutting it up easier as I started to work on that I asked Edward if he could cut up the carrots and potatoes he nodded and started right in without hesitation, it was starting to get a little dark so I lite a few candles and went ba c know to cutting up the meat, after only a few seconds I notice something move just slightly out of the corner of my eye and as I turned toward the movement I didn't really see anything that would have been moving, there was a old walking stick leaning against the window sill that must have shifted a little I would sometimes use if no one was around I guess I've always tried to be strong but the years seemed to have snuck up on me anyway, I went back to cutting again when this time something slammed hard! both Edward and I jumped and lucky enough didn't cut our fingers off, as I turned toward the area where I heard the noise but again nothing was there, then I had to take a double look I scanned the room and looked back at Edward and pointed to the window where the walking stick had been, there's our culprit I said he shrugged as to say what was it, sheepishly I said it was Carolins walking stick it had fallen over onto the floor, I knew it wasn't right of me to say it was hers but I didn't want Edward to think I was getting to the point I needed one, I stood up and walked around the table when,

Chapter 16

I realized that the walking stick wasn't there, I slowly looked over at the window and noticed it was still leaning against the window pane, I was almost positive I hadn't noticed it there a second ago, with raised eyebrows I looked around the room again and even looked under the table figuring something must have fallen off it while I was cutting the meat but nothing was there shaking my head while turning toward Edward I said I wasn't sure what it was he just shrugged his shoulders and continued cutting up the vegetables we chatted about possibly the old house was just settling and I guess that could have been true but I had a feeling it was something else but didn't want to over think,
I started frying the meat and placed a pot of water on the stove as well so we could boil the potatoes then I sat down, after a few minutes the smell of the meat filled the room and again Edwards eyes were glued on my every move as I started to mix in the ingredients for the stew, I placed a lid over the pan and then looked over at Edward and said about fifteen minutes and it will be done I could tell he was hungry and I had made corn bread a few days ago so I took out the pan and cut a couple nice size pieces for us to munch on while the stew simmered, as we sat there I looked over at the little package on my desk and thought to myself it's time to see what was in it

Chapter 17

 Edward was a constant murmur, rattling on about how he wanted to clear another acre of land this spring. I just nodded and smiled in agreement. It's not that I was trying to be mean, but my mind was on what was in this package. I didn't really want to open it when Edward was here and since I asked him to stay over I knew it wouldn't be until tomorrow morning at some point, so I turned my attention to my good friend and gave him the respect he deserves from me. We ended up yakking for hours and it actually was good to have someone  to talk with. It had been lonely here for too long. Old Edward was still going a mile a minute when I finally had to tell him I was getting a little tired. He quickly chuckled and said he understood since I'm so old. We both laughed out loud and as I made my way to my bed I thanked him for staying and also for taking me to town, then went to bed.
It didn't seem like I had laid down for more than a minute when I heard what sounded like....

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